Spanish Subject Pronouns

Written byJada Lòpez

An important part of learning the Spanish language is to understand who a noun is referring to and what that person or thing is doing (the verb). So, let's review quickly:

Nouna person, place, thing or idea
Adjectivea descriptive word that modifies the noun
Subject Pronounswho the noun is referring (he, she, it, we, they, & you)
Verbword that describes the action that is taking place

OK. Now we are ready to move onward. Let's take a look at pronouns first.

Subject Pronouns

Who are we talking about again?

Spanish speakers will always refer to the subject pronoun when they are talking. In English, sometimes it is understood. If you are in doubt while speaking Spanish, go ahead and use it. Again, the subject pronoun tells us who is doing the action.

YouTu – too
You (formal)Usted -oo-stehd
He/SheEl – ehl/ Ella – eh-yah
We (masculine/mixed group)Nosotros – noh-soh-trohs
We (feminine)Nosotras
You All (informal/only used in Spain)Vosotros – boh-soh-trohs
They (Masculine/mixed group)Ellos – eh-yohs
They (feminine)Ellas – eh-yahs
You All (formal)Ustedes – oo-steh-dehs

*****In speech, we pronounce Usted and Ustedes completely. In writing, however, Usted becomes Ud. and Ustedes becomes Uds. When referring to a group of people, use the masculine, plural form (Ellos, Ustedes, Nosotros, etc). Each pronoun has its own time and place for usage.

You, in the formal sense (Usted/Ustedes) is used in a formal situation: to a stranger, a boss, a doctor, policeman, or to someone who might be older than you. You informal (Tu/Vosotros) can be used when talking to friends or relatives, in an informal situation, for example.

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Author: Jada Lòpez
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